Friday, January 22, 2010

Week #1

National News:

Officials: 35 detainees should face court trial

Recommendations by a task force could mean trials for Gitmo inmates in the U.S.; 47 more may be held indefinitely. Full Story

This story has been such a hot topic since holding the trials in New York federal court can lead to more terrorist attacks.  Questions keep arising on where the Guantanamo Bay inmates will be placed until the trials begin since the Guantanamo Bay prison is still trying to be shut down permanently due to President Barack Obama's plan; however, the deadline to shut it down in a year has now ceased, yet only 196 detainees remain at Gitmo.

Storms pound Arizona, California

“It’s not safe to say that we’re out of the clear just yet,” official says. Full Story

Apart from the tragic weather catastrophe in Haiti, over in the United States, there happens to be similar trends in awful weather.  Rain and snow is causing floods in southern California and in western Arizona.  People are being killed, homes are becoming destroyed and "state of emergency" is being declared due to these extreme storms!

Photo Credit: David Kadlubowski/Arizona Republic via AP

Sen.-elect Scott Brown arrives on Capitol Hill

Says D.C. is 'the best place in the world when it comes to solving problems.' Full Story

It now has occurred in which Massachusetts has elected Scott Brown, a Republican to have a seat in Senate.  This has rattled the Democrats drastically!

International News:

Hundreds of thousands flee Haiti’s capital

Survivors cram into buses, nearly swamp ferries and even escape on foot. Full Story

The 7.0 magnitude earthquake tossed many peoples' lives upside-down in Haiti as well as relatives living in the United States whom are fearing for the worst news possible. The Haitians that have survived are fleeing Port-au-Prince in attempt to stop the spread of disease from not having a vast supply of water and food nor a place for sewage.

Afghanistan bans chemical used to make bombs

Ruling follows probe that uncovered use of fertilizer in series of attacks. Full Story

Ammonium nitrate is a common chemical found in fertilizers; however, it has been used in bombs in recent years. President Hamid Krazai's office has issued a ban on the use, production, storage, purchase or sale of this chemical. If there are violators that are caught it has been said that they'll have to face court action.

Clash of the Titans

How the Democratic Republic of Google is testing China's appetite for democracy itself. Full Story

China and the United States are not seeing eye to eye.  China has been spying lately now causing Google to defy Beijing's rules censoring the Internet!

Photo Credit: Ryan Anson/Bloomberg-Getty Images (left); China Photos--Getty Images

Local News:

Jets fans start to show their true colors

After last weekend's resounding win over the Bengals, the Jets have eased the skepticism of many fans. Full Story

Jets fans are feeling lucky and are ready to take on the Indianapolis Colts! All over Long Island fans are proudly wearing their Jets jerseys, hats, sweatshirts and more.

New Jersey Vote Backs Marijuana for Severely Ill

The New Jersey Legislature approved a measure on Monday that would make the state the 14th in the nation, but one of the few on the East Coast, to legalize the use of marijuana to help patients with chronic illnesses. Full Story

The legalization of marijuana in the state of New Jersey has been big news lately. The bill passed in both houses with comfortable marginal gaps.

Bryce Larsen: The other Long Island contestant

'American Idol' Chicago, Atlanta and Boston premieres live-blogging and our favorites so far -- John Park, Charity Vance, Paige Dechausse, Jermaine Sellers , Vanessa Wolfe, Skii Bo Ski, Maddy Curtis, Katie Stevens, Bosa Mora, Leah Laurenti, Amadeo DiRicco and Joshua Blaylock. Full Story

Bryce Larsen grew up in Long Island and is the lead singer and rhythm guitarist for Stealing Jane, an eight-piece band hailing from none-other-then Long Island.  He decided to try out for American Idol in Boston and just so happened to appeal to the four judges; earning four "yeses" and is now on his way to compete in Hollywood to become the next American Idol.

Photo Credit:

Other News:

Star power helps garner more for Haiti

It doesn’t take much arm-twisting to get average citizens to make donations in the face of such tragedy. Yet the mere presence of celebrities can be particularly persuasive in generating money for a cause. Full Story

Celebrities are coming together to help raise money for Haiti.  The telethon, "Hope for Haiti" hosted by George Clooney will be viewed by millions on numerous television networks including NBC, ABC, CNN and more.

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