Friday, February 12, 2010

Week #4

National News:

49 states dusted with snow; Hawaii's the holdout

Forget red and blue — color America white. There was snow on the ground in 49 states Friday. Hawaii was the holdout. Full Story;_ylt=AiB5hcrXib9uai1cL8u1HZpvzwcF;_ylu=X3oDMTJwM29wN3BxBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwMjEyL3VzX3VuaXRlZF9zdGF0ZXNfb2Zfc25vdwRjcG9zAzIEcG9zAzcEc2VjA3luX3RvcF9zdG9yeQRzbGsDNDlzdGF0ZXNkdXN0

Photo Caption: Graphic shows snow coverage of the U.S. on Friday.
Photo Credit: AP
This story holds the news values of currency, timeliness, proximity, impact and bizarreness. Currently there has been plenty of snow storms all over America.  Mainly on the east coast in the Mid-Atlantic states, but the snow has reached out further hitting states such as Florida, Georgia and Texas, that usually never get touched by the white powder.  Therefore, this story is timely, current, close by and so very strange.  Plus, due to the extreme amounts of snow people are being hugely impacted by not having school and stores have been selling out of shovels and other materials needed during such storms.

Will Bill Clinton slow down after heart procedure?

Right until he was wheeled into an operating room for a heart procedure, Bill Clinton was on the phone, talking about Haiti earthquake relief. An aide finally took the phone away from him. Full Story;_ylt=AjS2TLFnxW0ITzmsRU87QbpvzwcF;_ylu=X3oDMTJoa2NwaXV2BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwMjEyL3VzX2JpbGxfY2xpbnRvbgRjcG9zAzMEcG9zAzExBHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA2JpbGxjbGludG9ucg--

Photo Caption: In this Feb. 5, 2010 file photo, UN special envoy for Haiti and former President Bill Clinton waves to reporters after his arrival in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Clinton was recovering at his suburban home with his wife on Friday, Feb. 12, 2010 after leaving a Manhattan hospital where he underwent a heart procedure to fix a blocked artery.
Photo Credit: AP/Javier Galeano, File
This story holds the news values of currency, timeliness, impact and proximity. Currently former President Bill Clinton has been experiencing pains in his chest and it has been timely too since it just occurred, but the heart problems date back to when he was in office.  Furthermore, he was recently hospitalized in the city so it happened in close range.  Lastly, there is so much impact on his family, on the government and the people of the world actually since he is one of the main government-linked people helping with the tragedy in Haiti.

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Policy
A truck carries a giant advertising poster for the US Marines. Full Story;_ylt=AogaaQNVKV4JEtRPSMocQg3ZPdAF;_ylu=X3oDMTE3bnN2OGdoBHBvcwM0BHNlYwN5bl9zbGlkZXNob3cEc2xrA2F0cnVja2NhcnJpZQ--

Photo Credit: AFP/File/Hector Mata
This story holds the news values of currency, timeliness and impact.  Currently the issue of this policy keeps coming up.  It is timely as well since recently Admiral Mike Mullen made the remarks to have the policy come to an end.  Gays and lesbians should be accepted.  It is impacting numerous men and women that are apart of our nation's armed forces that happen to be anything other than straight.

International News:

Why can't women ski jump in the Olympics?

Lindsey Van holds the record - among both men and women - for the longest jump off of Whistler, B.C.'s normal ski jump, built for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. The 25-year-old skier trains six days a week, 11 months a year and has been jumping for the past 19 years. But when games kick off on Feb. 12, the 2009 women's ski jumping world champion will be nowhere in sight. That's because women aren't allowed to ski jump in the Olympics.  Full Story;_ylt=AhWQ_y_m_aByKnwCJNrkn01vaA8F;_ylu=X3oDMTJtbGNjOGF1BGFzc2V0A3RpbWUvMjAxMDAyMTIvMDg1OTkxOTYzNDQ3MDAEcG9zAzEzBHNlYwN5bl9hcnRpY2xlX3N1bW1hcnlfbGlzdARzbGsDZnVsbG5ic3BzdG9y

This story holds the news values of conflict, currency, timeliness and impact.  This story seems to be holding a lot of sex-orientated discrimination.  Females are not allowed to compete in the ski jump in the Olympics.  There are apparently rules stating that all the Olympic sports must be opened to both sexes, yet there are also rules stating the original 16 events from the 1924 Winter Olympics get to remain male-orientated only.  I personally find that sexist and think the rules should be changed.  I mean we are living in a time where men and women are supposed to be treated as equals now and if other Olympic events are opened to both sexes why not change these to be as well?  Furthermore, this story is timely and current since the Olympics are just beginning and the results of whether the rules will change or remain the same will impact numerous female athletes that have the dream to compete in the Olympics, but might not get to due to these rules.

McQueen's death hurts London fashion scene

Yes, there are other big names: Vivienne Westwood, Stella McCartney and Paul Smith come to mind. But the sudden death of Alexander McQueen leaves a gaping hole at the center of London's fashion universe. Full Story;_ylt=AhRjsK6Bxy9l_jVBt7mcjztvaA8F;_ylu=X3oDMTJvNzNrNTEyBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwMjEyL2V1X2JyaXRhaW5fbWNxdWVlbgRwb3MDMTcEc2VjA3luX2FydGljbGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawNmdWxsbmJzcHN0b3I-

Photo Caption: Flowers are seen under a logo of British fashion designer Alexander McQueen and a note informing customers of his death at his shop in central London, Thursday, Feb. 11, 2010. Brilliant and controversial British fashion designer Alexander McQueen was found dead in his London home Thursday, his company said, after anguished Internet postings that revealed his deep sorrow at the death of his mother. He was 40 years old.
Photo Credit: AP Photo/Akira Suemori
This story holds the news values of currency, timeliness and impact.  Recently this fashion icon committed suicide.  That is what gives this story the values of currency and timeliness.  Furthermore, London is taking the news extremely hard since McQueen is one of the people that built up London to be 'cool.'  London Fashion Week is still set to be held starting next Friday.

'Great white' attack was docile carpet shark

A suspected attack by a feared great white shark in Sydney has been exposed as a bite from a docile wobbegong, a species that usually shuns humans, experts said Friday. Full Story;_ylt=AsOntIuPUtjkvitbjYr3J7dvaA8F;_ylu=X3oDMTJyMzMwMTZtBGFzc2V0A2FmcC8yMDEwMDIxMi9hdXN0cmFsaWFhbmltYWxzaGFyawRwb3MDMzIEc2VjA3luX2FydGljbGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawMzOWdyZWF0d2hpdGU-

Photo Caption: A wobbegong shark glides over the ocean floor in Sydney. A suspected attack by a feared great white shark in the city has been exposed as a bite from a docile wobbegong, a species that usually shuns humans, experts have said.
Photo Credit: AFP/HO/Sydney Aquarium/Eco Divers/File
This story holds the news values of currency, timeliness and bizarreness.  Recently a shark attack occurred in Australia; however, it was from a species of shark that usually stays away from humans so that gives it the weirdness.

Local News:

Alexander Noyes
The father of Alexander Noyes, the drummer for the most famed United States Pop Band Honor Society Tom Noyes passed away yesterday on Thursday 11th Feb, 2010. The sad news was posted on Alexander Noyes’s official website. Full Story
This story holds the news values of prominence, proximity, timeliness, currency and impact.  Alex is a celebrity so he is very much in the public eye.  As soon as the information leaked about his father's passing the media jumped all over it.  Alex is one of my friends so I feel bad for him that he needs to share this hard time with the media.  I just hope they respect his and the rest of his family's wishes to stay away during this time.  Alex's family is from Midland Park, New Jersey so it is fairly close by.  Furthermore, it just happened and seems to be impacting numerous people around the world since Alex is a celebrity.  His fans are tweeting about his family being in their prayers and so on.  Aside from the direct impact on him and the rest of his family.  I just wish them the best in this tough time.  Losing someone you love is never easy to deal with.

NY Men Donate Kidneys to Their Mothers

Three men and their moms are celebrating Valentine's Day with the gift of life. The men all stepped up to save their mothers' lives by donating a kidney. Full Story
This story holds the news values of timeliness, currency, impact, proximity and bizarreness. Recently three sons have decided to save their mothers' lives in time for Valentine's Day by each donating a kidney to them.  It is rather odd to hear such a story, but nonetheless it is happening and is very thoughtful.  Furthermore, it is happening out on Long Island in North Shore University's Hospital.  It is very impacting since these moms get to live longer now thanks to their sons kindness.

3-Legged Dog Wins 1st in NYC Shelter Contest

It's not quite the Westminster dog show, but the homeless dogs that competed in a New York City animal shelter's talent contest are surely winners. Full Story
This story holds the news values of proximity, currency, timeliness and bizarreness.  It is quite unusual to hear about a 3-legged dog, but that would be the one that won the talent contest in the city today.  A pitbull mix named Prince caught three  baseballs with his jaw to be crowned the champion.  The other eight dogs plus Prince are all up for adoption through the ASPCA in the city.

Other News:

'We Are the World' debuts, worldwide airing set

The revamped "We Are the World" made its world premiere Friday during NBC's coverage of the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics, and a simultaneous worldwide screening of the full, seven-minute version of the music video is planned for Saturday. Full Story;_ylt=AhEfEOTSlPULcZi0zDkjMI5xFb8C;_ylu=X3oDMTJrc2VwOGpqBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwMjEzL3VzX3dlX2FyZV90aGVfd29ybGQEY3BvcwMxBHBvcwMyBHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA3dlYXJldGhld29ybA--
This story holds the news values of prominence, impact, timeliness and currency.  In the recent events of the tragedy in Haiti some of America's top celebrities came together to remake "We Are The World."  It aired for the first time tonight during the opening ceremony of the Olympics, but it only showed three minutes of the video; however, it will shown in full tomorrow night.  This is impacting so many people around the world.  It is such a great cause and these celebrities did a wonderful job and hopefully people will continue to donate to help those in Haiti.

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