Saturday, April 17, 2010

Week #12

National News:

2 decades after shaking baby, father jailed again

Soon after Christina Welch turned 18 in the spring of 2005, her biological parents asked permission to pay her a visit. Mike and Tina Wells broke down when the bed covers were pulled back and they saw the state of the girl: so severely brain damaged as a baby that she never learned to walk, talk or sit up by herself.  Full Story;_ylt=AgJStvORyOJElDUAIryBQedvzwcF;_ylu=X3oDMTJrODA3dGQzBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNDE3L3VzX3R3aWNlX2F0b25lZARwb3MDNwRzZWMDeW5fYXJ0aWNsZV9zdW1tYXJ5X2xpc3QEc2xrA2Z1bGxuYnNwc3Rvcg--
Photo Caption: Christopher Wells, shown in this 2010 Florida Dept. of Corrections photo, is currently in jail on second-degree murder charges, after he left his daughter Christina with permanent brain-damaged after he violently shook her and covered her mouth to keep her from crying when she was two-months old. Christina never learned to walk, talk, or sit by herself and died in March 2006 at age 19.
Photo Credit: AP Photo/Florida Dept. of Corrections
This story holds the news values of currency, timeliness, impact and conflict.  This story began in 1989 when Mike Wells shook his baby who was then adopted by Maureen Welch.  Wells and his wife served less than a year each on aggravated child abuse charges.  Since they got out they were never seriously in trouble with the law again.  They met their daughter, Christina Welch when she turned 18 learning the harm that his shaking had caused all those years ago--she never learned to speak, walk or sit up.  Welch doted on her hand and foot and then a sad day came in 2006 when Christina died at the age of 19 with the medical examiner ruling it as a homicide--what her father had done to her years earlier was the cause of her death.  Wells is facing 15 years, but now he's leaving the new family he made.  It is rather bittersweet--he's a changed man from who he was then when he did that to Christina, yet due to her death that past came back to get him and Welch feels awful, yet happy--conflicted.  "I just want it all to be over," she said.

Discovery leaves space station; next stop is Earth

Discovery and its crew left the International Space Station on Saturday and aimed for a homecoming in two days to wrap up one of the last missions of NASA's storied shuttle program.  Full Story;_ylt=AqY4paGxjMzwXSYOpCMxDlBvzwcF;_ylu=X3oDMTJtNzVsa2UwBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNDE3L3VzX3NwYWNlX3NodXR0bGUEcG9zAzEyBHNlYwN5bl9hcnRpY2xlX3N1bW1hcnlfbGlzdARzbGsDZGlzY292ZXJ5bGVh
Photo Caption: In this image provided by NASA the Space shuttle Discovery docked with the International Space Station is seen with the ammonia tank assembly and the cargo carrier module stowed in it's payload bay as they pass over Europe early Friday morning April 16, 2010. Discovery is due to depart the space station Saturday. Landing in Florida is scheduled for Monday morning.
Photo Credit: AP Photo/NASA
This story holds the news values of currency, timeliness and impact.  The space shuttle, Discovery launched on April 5 and is set to land back on Earth on April 19.  Four of the 13 involved in this mission are women which is a world record.  There were eight Americans, three Russians and two Japanese in this crew.  The crew is bringing back more than three tons of trash and old space station equipment.  Furthermore, only three shuttle flights remain with only 12 crew members so this Discovery mission is huge!

Wayward NM cat has free flight home from Chicago

No one knows how a tabby cat named Charles traveled the 1,300 miles from his New Mexico home to Chicago, but he's set for a complimentary flight home on American Airlines in a carrier donated by an Albuquerque business.   Full Story;_ylt=AmEFeNvS9Z1vgQN5BcdM43BvzwcF;_ylu=X3oDMTJsMnJ1YWloBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNDE3L3VzX3dhbmRlcmluZ19jYXQEcG9zAzEEc2VjA3luX2FydGljbGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawN3YXl3YXJkbm1jYXQ-
Photo Caption: Charles the cat traveled 1,300 miles from his home in New Mexico to Chicago, where he was picked up as a stray. He waits at Chicago Animal and Control in Chicago IL, Friday, April 16, 2010. Charles' life was spared when staff at Chicago Animal Care and Control found a microchip between his shoulders and used it to contact his owner, Robin Alex of Albuquerque.
Photo Credit: AP Photo/David Banks
This story holds the news values of currency, timeliness, impact and bizarreness. This little guy traveled from New Mexico to Chicago where he was picked up as a stray and almost put down until the miracle discovery of his microchip that allowed the staff at the Chicago Animal Care and Control to contact his owner who is living in Albuquerque.  It is still unknown as to how Charles managed to get the 1,300 miles from home, but he is set to go on a flight back home through American Airlines with help from a neighbor of his owner's.  This cat is extremely lucky since he has previously been missing for over eight months.  I doubt his owner will ever let him out of her sight again!

International News:

Ash may hover for days over uncertain Europe

The Icelandic volcano that has kept much of Europe land-bound is far from finished spitting out its grit, and offered up new mini-eruptions Saturday that raise concerns about longer-term damage to world air travel and trade.    Full Story;_ylt=AsJTJ4hOw6TuLO7CW5Y.34NvaA8F;_ylu=X3oDMTJub2RzcWxmBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNDE3L2V1X2ljZWxhbmRfdm9sY2FubwRwb3MDMQRzZWMDeW5fYXJ0aWNsZV9zdW1tYXJ5X2xpc3QEc2xrA2FzaG1heWhvdmVyZg--
Photo Caption: This aerial image shows the crater at the summit of the volcano in southern Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull glacier Saturday April 17, 2010. A lingering volcanicash plume forced extended no-fly restrictions over much of Europe Saturday, as Icelandic scientists warned that volcanic activity had increased and showed no sign of abating — a portent of more travel chaos to come. Although the ash plume has grown, a northerly wind was expected to allow enough visibility for scientists to fly over the volcano Saturday.
Photo Credit: AP Photo/Jon Gustafsson / ** ICELAND OUT **
This story holds the news values of currency, timeliness and impact.  Lately mother nature has been quite the force causing multiple earthquakes and more damage all around the world.  The latest happens to be a volcano in southern Iceland which is getting closer and closer to its mass explosion.  The volcano's activity has increased according to scientists who also said the ash the volcano releases can be catastrophic to plane engines depending on the wind and more.  Overall there is an unsafe presence known.

Young China quake survivor survived by sleeping in

Her roommates used to call her a "lazy pig" for trying to sleep in before class. But it was Song Yuhuan's slowness to get out of bed that saved her life — the girls who rushed from their dorm were crushed by the walls collapsing in an earthquake that leveled their town and left 1,484 dead.  Full Story;_ylt=Aq_5Nc21nrKrGyGaYE9alQpvaA8F;_ylu=X3oDMTJvZWZlYWU3BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNDE3L2FzX2NoaW5hX2VhcnRocXVha2UEcG9zAzcEc2VjA3luX2FydGljbGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawNmdWxsbmJzcHN0b3I-
This story holds the news values of currency, timeliness, impact and bizarreness.  As mentioned in the pervious blurb of news values in the previous story this one also holds prominence due to mother nature.  In China there was an earthquake Wednesday, but this story reveals bizarre qualities--a girl survived it due to staying in bed.  She is known to her roommates as "lazy pig" for trying to sleep in before classes, yet sleeping in managed to save her life!

Europe struggles with Muslim dress code

Chances of seeing a burqa in Belgium are only a little better than spotting a liquor shop in Saudi Arabia. Yet Belgium soon may be the first European nation to outlaw the burqa and other Islamic garb that completely hides a woman's body and face.  Full Story;_ylt=AgqPW7.bvXZfSDgfI1e4WxEQr7sF;_ylu=X3oDMTJwdnBpdG4yBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNDE2L2V1X2V1cm9wZV9idXJxYV9iYW4EcG9zAzEEc2VjA3luX3BhZ2luYXRlX3N1bW1hcnlfbGlzdARzbGsDZXVyb3Blc3RydWdn
This story holds the news values of currency, timeliness, impact and conflict. Belgium may become the first European nation to outlaw the burqa and other Islamic garb that hides a female's body and face entirely.   France and the Netherlands may also join too!  Western European societies find this attire demeaning to women as well as a gateway to radical Islam in which the women would/are treated as suicide bombers in most cases causing harm to whomever is around them.  A stop is trying to be put to that as well as the overall demeaning ways of the religion in outside societies.  Some Muslims are not happy with any of this, but then again if you're living in somewhere other than a Muslim populated country you should respect the culture and if there's a ban you must abide.

Local News:

Bloods and Crips alliance in plot to kill cops discovered in drug and gun ring takedown

A massive gang takedown in Queens uncovered a rare alliance between Bloods and Crips and a ruthless plot to assassinate cops, authorities said Friday.  Full Story
This story holds the news values of currency, timeliness, proximity, impact, bizarreness and conflict.  The Bloods and the Crips are not known to come together as one, yet recently proved in Queens at a massive gang takedown uncovered a rare alliance between the two to ruthlessly assassinate cops.  Due to wiretaps and more this plot was discovered and now the gang members that have been caught will serve plenty of time in prison.

Jackson Township elementary teacher arrested for public lewdness at rest stop

A second-grade public school teacher was arrested today after he allegedly exposed himself to a state trooper at a rest stop on the Garden State Parkway, State Police said.  Full Story
This story holds the news values of proximity, currency, timeliness, conflict and impact.  This story holds the news value of proximity since I am from Jackson and I attended the elementary school at which this second-grade teacher works.  Furthermore, he was caught masturbating in a public area near the men's rest room at the Monmouth Service Area in Wall Township at 9 a.m. this morning.  Aside from that he has drug charges against him for possession of marijuana.  Now the questions swarm, will he still be allowed to teach, how will parents of the second-graders feel and more?

Deals in NYC for stranded travelers

Special deals offered in New York City for travelers stranded because of the volcanic erruption in Iceland.  Full Story
This story holds the news values of currency, timeliness, proximity, conflict and impact.  The Icelandic volcano is causing nothing but problems there and everywhere else.  Flights to and from Europe are currently on hold and Manhattan hotels are offering deals to the stranded travelers.

Other News:

A Minute With; "Glee" music producer Adam Anders

Quirky musical TV comedy "Glee" returned to Fox this week after four months off-air with nine new episodes, including a highly-anticipated program featuring the show's unique twist on the hits of Madonna.  Full Story;_ylt=AhDmzWDgZDB.Y_GRTvhbnWJpMhkF;_ylu=X3oDMTJzN3ZiMDMzBGFzc2V0A25tLzIwMTAwNDE1L3VzX3RlbGV2aXNpb25fZ2xlZV90dgRwb3MDMzgEc2VjA3luX3BhZ2luYXRlX3N1bW1hcnlfbGlzdARzbGsDYW1pbnV0ZXdpdGhx
This story holds the news values of prominence, currency, timeliness and impact.  "Glee" returned last Wednesday after being off-air for four months.  It's next episode is all the talk now since it is featuring the show's unique twist on the hits of Madonna.  The music producer shared some inside knowledge on himself and the show as well as this highly-anticipated episode!  The show is all about reinventing classics that are loved, yet a twist of original music is bound to be shared in one of these nine new episodes.


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